Category: JavaScript

Of Classes and Arrow Functions (a cautionary tale)

Behold, the new hotness! The shapely Arrow Function has driven away the irksome function keyword and (by virtue of lexical this scoping) bought joy to many a JavaScript programmer. Yet, as the following account relates, even the best tools should be used with discretion. Continue reading “Of Classes and Arrow Functions (a cautionary tale)”

If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript: Explained.

I wrote a book called If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript in which I imagine 25 famous novelists, poets and playwrights solving simple problems in JavaScript. It’s part homage to my favorite writers and part love letter to JavaScript, the only language I know with enough freedom, creative potential and downright quirkiness to pique the interest of the literary greats.

Screen Shot 2015-01-04 at 4.33.55 PM

This post contains original material that’s not in the book (think of it as one of those “behind the scenes” bonus features). It’s the first in a series of deep technical dives into each author’s solution. Some solutions require more explanation than others.


Continue reading “If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript: Explained.”

JavaScript Fat City

It’s official! We’re getting a new function syntax! The TC39 group (the panel charged with delivering ES 6) has reached consensus on an abbreviated syntax for JavaScript function expressions. Its popularly known as the fat arrow syntax, and is based on a similar construct found in CoffeeScript.

Make no mistake, I’m delighted that we will finally have an alternative to the unnecessary clunkiness and verbosity of the present grammar, but I can’t shake a nagging feeling that this proposal (in its current form) is flawed to the extent that it might actually make new developers more confused than they already were. I’ll run through the key features of this new construct, then explain my concerns and how they might be mitigated.

Continue reading “JavaScript Fat City”

Extending JavaScript Natives

Most built-in JavaScript types are constructors whose prototypes contain the methods and other properties that define their default behavior:

//(results will vary by browser)

//["bind", "arguments", "toString", "length", "call", "name", "apply", "caller", "constructor"]

You can’t delete or replace a native prototype, but you can edit the values of its properties, or create new ones:

//create a new array method that removes a member
Array.prototype.remove = function(member) {
  var index = this.indexOf(member);
  if (index > -1) {
    this.splice(index, 1);
  return this;

['poppy', 'sesame', 'plain'].remove('poppy'); //["sesame", "plain"]
['ant', 'bee', 'fly'].remove('spider'); //["ant", "bee", "fly"]

Et voila! Our code gets a useful array extension for free. However if you brag about doing this in production code, expect to get pummeled by a wave of fierce disapproval. Some of it carries weight. Let’s sift the danger from the dogma and try to reach an honest conclusion:

Continue reading “Extending JavaScript Natives”

Fixing the JavaScript typeof operator

Working with JavaScript’s typeof operator is a bit like operating a clapped-out old car (or an early model Dell Inspiron). It gets the job done (mostly) and you learn to work around the quirks – but you probably aspire to something better.

In this article I’ll give a brief overview of typeof before introducing a tiny new function which is a fully-loaded, more reliable alternative that works directly with the language internals.
Continue reading “Fixing the JavaScript typeof operator”

Waldo: Search the JavaScript Object Model in under 1 KB

Here’s a tiny util that you can save as a bookmarklet and use to crawl the JavaScript object model of any web site. Waldo (thanks to @shinypb for the name!) lets you find and inspect instances by name, type or value, and it can be easily customized to add additional tests. It runs in the console on Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE>8. It's sourced on github. Feel free to fork it if you want to add more search methods or a spiffy UI.

(Update: Check out this alternate version by @jdalton)

Continue reading “Waldo: Search the JavaScript Object Model in under 1 KB”

A fresh look at JavaScript Mixins

(Russian, Japanese)

In this article I’ll explore JavaScript mixins in detail, and introduce a less conventional, but to my mind more natural mixin strategy that I hope you’ll find useful. I’ll finish up with a profiler matrix summarizing the performance impact of each technique. [A big Thank You to the brilliant @kitcambridge for reviewing and improving the code on which this blog is based!]
Continue reading “A fresh look at JavaScript Mixins”

JavaScript Strict Mode

The fifth edition of the ECMAScript specification introduced Strict Mode. Strict Mode imposes a layer of constraint on JavaScript – intended to protect you from the more perilous aspects of the language.

While researching this article I wrote 38 tests covering all the Strict Mode rules as defined in the ES5 specification. You can see how your favorite browser shapes up by clicking here.

The code for each test is reproduced at the end of the article as an aid to understanding the specification. You can also run the tests manually by copying and pasting the source into the console. The full source code is on my github repo.

Firefox 4 and IE10 (preview 1) already fully support Strict Mode, and Chrome 12 is nearly there. Strict Mode is here to stay – let’s dive in…
Continue reading “JavaScript Strict Mode”

The JavaScript Comma Operator

(на русском, 日本)
Let’s begin with a funny tweet:

The ‘c’ at the end is for the lowly comma operator. Last in the line of operator precedence and rarely documented, the comma operator hides its light under a bushel. It may not be a JavaScript heavy-hitter but I like it anyway. Its simple, elegant and you should make it your friend. So, here we go – more than you’ll ever need to know about JavaScript’s bashful hero:
Continue reading “The JavaScript Comma Operator”

Rethinking JavaScript Object Enumeration

In JavaScript, enumeration across regular (non-Array) Objects is often more painful than it should be. Arrays are merrily dispatched through for and while loops using all manner of crazy, fun techniques; Objects are forever at the mercy of the pedestrian, one directional for-in loop, without which we can’t even learn the names and length of its own property set. Arrays have access to a plethora of elegant higher order functions (forEach, map, filter etc.); Objects don’t. Until now, that is.
Continue reading “Rethinking JavaScript Object Enumeration”